Vision And Mission


Guiding the adolescents to fulfill their intellectual, emotional and social needs, keeping in view the Indian values.


To enable students to perform better based on their own prior performance, in an environment where everyone is unique and important.


Coming Soon


Aprops of RNSPUC

RNS group of institutions under the graceful shelter of divine Lord Sri Ramlingeshwara is flourishing expansively. RNS Pre-University College, a seedling planted by the perceptive chairman Dr. R N Shetty in the year 2010, is conspicuously proliferating with its vision and mission to be one of the best colleges across Karnataka. It provides competitive, affordable and accessible education in Science and Commerce stream, benefitting adolescents of the middle class group. It encompasses exquisite splendid infrastructure, a lofty playground, ventilated spacious classrooms and well equipped laboratories. More to the point the forthcoming colossal air conditioned auditorium in the premises is the crowning addition in its glory. Devoted faculty members construct a perfect paradise for learning by imparting advanced education, humanitarian values, social values, discipline, good manners in conjunction with sports and extra co-curricular activities.

Chairman’s Vista

Dr. R N Shetty

Chairman, RNS Institutions.

Chairman's Message

“Education should help that growing soul to draw out the best that is within and make it perfect for a noble cause.”

RNS inculcates and instils in students the Indian culture and ethical values keeping abreast of modern technology and education. It strengthens the wings of the pupils to impede the turbulent winds of life making their aspiration fertile. Ship in port is safe, but that is not what it is built for. Students should push the boundaries of their comfort zone to experience wonders of the world and open their eyes to the glorious future. The Administrative officer, the Principal, the Vice-Principal and the teaching fraternity of the college are doing a prodigious job in elevating the Institution in length and breadth.

Cherish your vision and dreams in RNS.

Officer’s Desk

Dr. K. L. Sudheer Pai

Administrative Officer's

Administrative Officer’s Desk

The height of the candle has no relevance to the brightness it emits.

Education edified in our college invigorates the minds of the students and leads them to the brilliant future so that they constructively contribute to their parents, the society and the nation. We bequeath a platform to the students to explore their intrinsic talents and potential by organising various co-curricular activities, sports, project exhibition and intercollegiate fest. We feel overwhelmed that innumerable accolades, gold medals and trophies with the words of appreciation have been acclaimed to our students for their academic excellence and also for their all-round performance.
The accelerating spread of Covid-19 has created a paradigm shift in India’s education system. The students have to make a far bigger adjustment by attending virtual classes instead of the regular physical classes. Our faculty members effort is commendable for they have undertaken this opportunity to update themselves technologically. They are overwhelmingly doing their best to ensure ‘learning never stops’ even during the crisis. Let us hope that the dark clouds of Covid-19 pass away soon and the bright blissful rays of sun upsurge.

Principal’s Desk

Prof Ravishankar B V

Principal, RNSPU.

Principal Desk

“Take action! An inch of movement will bring you closure to your goals than a mile of intention.”

We under the blessings and guidance of the compassionate Chairman Dr. R N Shetty are evolving to keep pace with the modern world of technology. We espouse the best teaching methodologies and provide resource materials, workbook and rigorous coaching to groom the students for competitive examinations. Students and guardians are encouraged to have continuous interaction with the faculty for a seamless understanding of the students’ progress.  We give an ardent prominence on individual student counselling. We are pursuing our classes through online videos and ensuring the active participation of students. We are tracking and monitoring the students’ performance online and taking feedback from the parents  

I invite you to shape your future at our campus and wish you all the best for your forthcoming years in our college.


Coming Soon